We are doing it again.
Expatival 2025

Save the date: Saturday, 17 May 2025
Grab those marker pens, sharpies or online calendars, ‘cause this is one event you absolutely don’t want to miss!
On Saturday, 17th May 2025, it’s time again for our big bi-annual international bash, Expatival!
During Expatival 2023, more than 500 people from almost 70 countries gathered at the International House.
There was music, face painting, fabulous food, and many local organizations and volunteers sharing all the things they do to make Leuven and the region an amazing place to live.
The atmosphere was electric.
One attendee said about Expatival, "I have learned more in 2 hours than in the last two years living in Leuven."
And we are doing it again.
We have ideas for more talks, more interactions and more socialising.
Sign up to our newsletter to be the first to know more.
Or get in touch if you have suggestions for the 2025 edition, we'd love to hear your ideas.